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GRANTS received since 2018
- Improved clinical decisions via integrating multiple data levels to overcome chemotherapy resistance in high-grade serous ovarian cancer
- DECIDER is a pan-European project with a total financing of 15,0 million EUR from EU Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges
- DECIDER started in February 2021 and will run for five years
- Partners in the projects include major hospitals in Germany, Finland, France and Sweden. In addition, research institutions in Spain, Italy and Denmark are participating
- The project is to develop diagnostic tools to identify earlier and more reliably patients whose cancer is not responding to the current treatments. The research also aims to discover effective combination treatments based on the data measured from the tumors. 2cureX will be developing its IndiTreat® tests for drug resistant ovarian cancer patients.
- Micro-tumor Guided Cancer Therapy Selection
- MicroCaT is a 2cureX project fully financed by a 3 million EUR grant from the EU’s Horizon 2020 SME- Instrument Program. The MicroCaT objective is to finalize the clinical validation of 2cureX’s IndiTreat® product and to initiate market launch.
- MicroCaT started in February 2018 and will run for 36 months.
- Partners to the MicroCaT project are cancer hospitals in Denmark, Germany and the United Kingdom and also the patient organization Digestive Cancers Europe (www.digestivecancers.eu). The involvement of Europe’s largest patient organization within colorectal cancer is crucial as 2cureX sees an active exchange between hospital professionals and patients as key in future treatment of cancer patients.
- The funds ensures that 2cureX can fully execute the multinational clinical validation of IndiTreat® in colorectal cancer. In addition it supports establishing a presence in key European countries and initiate market launch of IndiTreat®.

- Therapy response prediction to immuno-oncology drugs in ovarian cancer
- IO-Resp is a 2cureX project financed by a 780.000 EUR grant from the “SME-innovative – medical technology” Program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The IO-Resp objective is to expand the ability of 2cureX’s IndiTreat® test so that it can predict the responses to immune-oncology drugs.
- IO-Resp started in April 2020 and will run for 36 months.
- Partner to the IO-Resp project is the University medical center Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE). The Department of Gynecology and the Acute Leukemia Lab of the Department of Oncology provide expertise in novel drug therapy approaches for the treatment of ovarian cancer patients. 2cureX sees an active exchange between hospital professionals and patients as key in future treatment of cancer patients.
- The funds ensure that the assay principle underlying the functional precision medicine test developed by 2cureX can be adapted so that IndiTreat® can be used to pre-therapeutically measure an ovarian cancer patient’s sensitivity to various check-point inhibitors. In addition it supports establishing a R&D presence in the fields of drug sensitivity testing immuno-oncology and ovarian cancer.

- Development of an automated system for handling and deposition of tumoroids.
- ADAPT is a joint project conducted in collaboration with engineers at the Hahn-Schickard Institute for Microanalysis Systems and the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) at the University of Freiburg. The project is financed by a 1.000.000 EUR grant from the “Alternative Methods to Animal Testing” initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. 2cureX will receive 110.500 EUR to validate the novel technology and integrate it into the IndiTreat® test.
- The funds enable the development of a device for in vitro experiments with tumoroids from human tissue that meets the requirements for personalized medicine in terms of miniaturization, standardization, automation, flexibility and throughput.
- Automation of tumoroid handling will increase the applicability of functional testing in clinical practice and improve the precision of the IndiTreat® test. This will ensure constant operator-independent quality standards across different hospitals where IndiTreat® is being implemented.